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Ask The Director.

The Director

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To Bacon. Also, an interesting little tid-bit, the original verse "To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer the Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, and by opposing end them: to die, to sleep no more; and by a sleep, to say we end the Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks that Flesh is heir to?" is questioning whether it is truly wrong to commit suicide. Kind of odd that "To be, or not to be" became so famous when you think about it.


Very true, although my favorite interpretation of Hamlet is a tie between The 90's movie with Bill Murray as Polonius, and just this soliloquy read by William Shatner.


Do you believe in ghosts?

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Where was Jack's first debut in RvB? (Jack from AH/RT office) No looking up the answer. I want the Vitamin award :rofl:

Like, actual debut? It was as Smith in Recreation. However, he's played a lot of "non-characters" in the series.



When is Halo 5 coming out?

Either 2014 or 2015. :D



What word in "hockey talk" stands for passing the puck off of the ice?

Do you mean a saucer pass?



Very true, although my favorite interpretation of Hamlet is a tie between The 90's movie with Bill Murray as Polonius, and just this soliloquy read by William Shatner.


Do you believe in ghosts?

No I don't.


How tall is a Smurf?

Three apples high.



Why haven't I received awards for liking the Facebook page, subscribing to the YouTube channel, and following 343i community forums on twitter? ;)

Because you need to private message a moderator telling them what you have liked, subscribed, and followed. lol
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Because you are growing up. One day, Christmas will be only about buying people presents for you. Then you'll have kids and it will become stressful, oh so stressful.



That makes me look so forward to the future thanks Director! :D

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If i were to sing the following Lyrics, what song would i be listening to/singing:


I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear

Someone else is pulling at the strings

Something terrible is going down through the entire town

Wreaking anarchy and all it brings


I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all

I curse the name, the one behind it all...

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If i were to sing the following Lyrics, what song would i be listening to/singing:


I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear

Someone else is pulling at the strings

Something terrible is going down through the entire town

Wreaking anarchy and all it brings


I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all

I curse the name, the one behind it all...

An MLP song. I think it's a fan made one, and I think it's called Discord or some-such.



What do tou want for christmas :)

Tou wants a tomahawk, but I want Monster Energy drinks. As many as I can get. Or money, to buy Monster Energy drinks.



How Much Wood could a Master Chief Chief?

546852.42 logs.



Do you enjoy dubstep, if so what is your favorite song?

Yes I do, and it would be "Sunlight" by Modestep.

Warning, Graphic Material. Viewer discretion is advised. tl;dr don't blame me if your parents ground you for watching this:



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Will the earth ever come together and make the UNSC real?

Probably not in the same manner, but eventually a world government will become a reality, yes.



Why did you put that horrifying image of a spider in your sig?

Because it's the most photogenic spider I've ever seen.



Who are the Patriots?

Well, the word Patriots is usually used to refer to the American Colonists during the Revolutionary War against the British, New England's football team, people who support their respective nationalities, or a group that secretly controlled the United States in Metal Gear. So yeah, that.
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Why did the Romans change the Greek god's names and personalities?

To make them their own. Sort of like Christianity did with Mithras Day. :D



Whats the difference between a fly and a mosquito?

A fly eats and lays it's eggs in material that is easy for it to consume (and since it uses it's saliva to melt the material, decomposed material is best for this). Mosquitoes vary in what they eat. Females prefer blood, males prefer things high in sugar (such as nectar). The mosquito also lay their eggs in warm, damp areas rather than in "garbage". There are many differences, including size, but these are the most pronounced.



What is Kavinsky Roadgame?

You mean Kavinsky - Roadgame (or vice versa if you prefer)? It's a song. I believe it's the theme song to Hitman Absolution.
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