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Black Op's 2 The enemy could be anywhere

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Black Ops 2 rumoured for E3, but "the enemy could be anywhere"


The plot thickens: GPS data, MW3 references, the Tacitus question


Activision's dropped another tease about its latest Call of Duty, due for reveal on 1st May. This one's a single line of ostensibly non-cryptic text - "the enemy could be anywhere and it could be anyone". PANIC STATIONS



Enclosed in scare quotes, the phrase appears to have been taken from a longer transcript: you can see a time code in the bottom left. Interestingly, the image has now been removed. Hmmm.


The new Call of Duty is rumoured to be Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Activision has confirmed that it will take place in the near-future, via mocked-up FPSRussia footage of the Quadrotor, a prototype unmanned helicopter gunship. Notice that the chap wearing the "Tacitus" T-shirt is holding a tablet controller which resembles the one from Modern Warfare 3.




What are fondly supposed to be "in-game Black Ops 2 images" involving the Quadrotor have been swiped by MP1st: they were apparently created to give the live action film producers a model to work from. You can see a number of other craft in the background, of various degrees of future-techiness. The hatchback? Probably not future tech. The two-propeller heli-transport? Looks like Avatar era gadgetry to us.



Back up a little. There's more to that T-shirt than meets the eye. Tacitus is the name (1) of an ancient Roman historian, and (2) a website for an enigmatic, intensely aspirational cross-disciplinary data-crunching project.


"In 2012-2013 we're building a global collaborative project focused on prototyping ground-breaking tools for deriving insight form the most complex datasets on Earth," reads the blurb. A veiled hint at Call of Duty: Elite 2.0?


"Discovery comes from play," it adds. "Stay tuned." Tacitus.com's logo - an unbroken 3D knot - isn't worlds away from Treyarch's, and the group's former president Howard Coale now works at Sapient Global Markets, owner of SapientNitro - the company responsible for MW3's marketing (thanks Reddit).


Following its discovery by inquisitive Call of Duty fans, the site briefly carried the message: "Black Ops 2: weapons manufacturer in the game. Not us."





Almost last but not least, Activision let slip a string of apparently random numbers - sorry, NUMBERS (MASON) - and letters yesterday which could be GPS coordinates. Pro tip from the Call of Duty forums: replace the letters with the numerical value of a texting keyboard, pop them into a Geocoding programme and you get addresses in Tibet, Shangai, Japan, Afghanistan and South Korea. New Call of Duty campaign locations? Maybe. Lots of maybes to chew on right now.


There's one more wrinkle before the trail goes cold. The GPS data string was updated last night, and according to CODZombies the new numbers point to the Los Angeles Convention Centre, home of E3. We reckon the new Call of Duty will be a key pillar of Microsoft's E3 showing.


Give that image gallery a whirl and see what you can glean.

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I know this may be a Halo Forum, but I am not sorry to say I am quite excited for this game. Thanks for the find, Adam :D

you're welcome thank you,im excited for this as well, i've always been a COD fan the only thing with COD is that the multiplayer dosnt faze me anymore, but i have always loved the story.
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