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Make Your Own Skull!


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Okay so the point is that 343 Industries forgot a skull and they have hired you to make the final skull in the game. Please put the name of your skull and its description in your post. I'm interested to see your ideas!


Name: Grunts!


Description: Grunts do not die and this skull makes them invincible so watch out you may knock them down but they will get right back up!


That was a quick one I made now its your turn guys! Be creative!

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Name: Hyperon


Ablity: It makes weak enimies like the grunts and they Have strong wepons like Spartan Laser, can evade any attack, and 10x the health, and you can only kill them with a head shot. Also if you can make it throught the hardest misson in halo 4 with Hyperon on you will not only get an Achivement but you will get something really cool that helps your Halo 4 Spartan out or makes him look cool like A Green or Purple Flaming Helmet

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Name: They Truly Hate You


The enemy only sends the best after you. They are all the highest rank possible. They have doubled health and shields. They all wield power weapons (sniper, rockets, etc.) and use them with devastating skill. They will aggressively pursue you across the level. Oh, and they all use Active Camo.


Let's see someone beat Halo while that is turned on.

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Grunts- explode on impact with a bullet. Elites - fly backwards when melee'd. Brutes - fly forwards when hit with grenade. Jackals - shields drop when hit with pisto or AR ammo. Drones - wings pop off when hit with grenade. Hunters - do the disco when shot by shotgun.

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Any slower and you'll b goin CRAZY!!!


All vehicles are taken out of the level exept for the enemies they will still have thier vehicles when they r in them or not BUT!!!theres no way 2 high jack them or kill them without destroying thier vehicles like the AA wraith from halo 3 bun no glitches to get in them. Plus no power weapons( rocket lawn chair, sniper ,fuel rod gun ect.)

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Grunts- explode on impact with a bullet. Elites - fly backwards when melee'd. Brutes - fly forwards when hit with grenade. Jackals - shields drop when hit with pisto or AR ammo. Drones - wings pop off when hit with grenade. Hunters - do the disco when shot by shotgun.


Best idea ever :)

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Name: They Truly Hate You


The enemy only sends the best after you. They are all the highest rank possible. They have doubled health and shields. They all wield power weapons (sniper, rockets, etc.) and use them with devastating skill. They will aggressively pursue you across the level. Oh, and they all use Active Camo.


Let's see someone beat Halo while that is turned on.



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