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whats the situation 343i? your telling us one thing and then telling us another (regarding the music)


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First of all from the title of this thread you can tell that im slightly irritated as a lot of you know that i have never been seen trolling or hating on this site (which im not going to begin anyway) im just getting a little annoyed because im not sure what to expect when it comes to the musical side of things of halo 4.


We all know halo is taking a new route on many things and also bringing back old things, one of those things i want to talk about is the music.


I want to know where we are standing when it comes to this. Are we going to experience the original style of music while also embracing a fresh new style? Or are we going down a complete separate road from the old style of music and being introduce to all new music? Well I dont know.


First of all i want to provide some things that show 343 industries stating that they will be adding in the original style a long with creating new styles of music


(i forget where exactly in the video were they mention it but its definitely there)



and heres a piece of music thats is also actually in halo 3 that will feature in halo 4 (it's the very first piece of music)



and also even in the trailer itself where it features a new deeper version of the actual halo theme at the very end.




Now these other sources say the complete opposite.



Here a link to an article that was published a few weeks ago, if i post it here this thread post would be too big, so follow the link to the article.



Also in this interview with Tojima from 2 minutes in he talks about how he loved the original style but they wont copy it, so does he mean he wont copy the music by bringing over actual soundtracks from the first trilogy? because as you can hear from the second video i posted we can hear the halo 3 soundtrack "luck" but given a different pitch/ tempo etc.


Or does he mean they wont be using the same style from the previous games all together that was produced in the original trilogy? because the first 3 videos i posted tell a different story.





Like i said this isnt a hate thread or flaming in 343i, im just confused on where we are supposed to stand on this subject, im very passionate about the music in halo, old or new, so im ready to embrace on what they are going to give us, but i dont know what we are supposed to expect.

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I say its good that they have both new the new style and the old style in the game. Yeah they may have said one thing but did the other it doesn't meant the mean that they cant have both right? Besides for the campaign I'd like the old style more because it picks up where Halo 3 ended so it will kind of make sense. Maybe towards the ed of the game the music will slowly start to change into the new style. Either way its music I'm sure they can match the music with the scenes and make it epic.

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I say its good that they have both new the new style and the old style in the game. Yeah they may have said one thing but did the other it doesn't meant the mean that they cant have both right? Besides for the campaign I'd like the old style more because it picks up where Halo 3 ended so it will kind of make sense. Maybe towards the ed of the game the music will slowly start to change into the new style. Either way its music I'm sure they can match the music with the scenes and make it epic.

in the fist half of the post of the sources i have shown they say yes we are going to include the orginal style of music but also make our own style as well, then the article and the tojima interview it says no we are done will the original style we are makimg a completely new style of music.
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If I remember correctly (I do realize some articles state otherwise), the musical aspect of H4 is going to have the original Halo "feal" only slightly altered. Suppose to be a darker tone attempting to touch the emotions at a deeper level than the previous scores (not that the previous didn't achieve such emotional attachment, lol). As long as the music corresponds to the gameplay or cinematic, I will be okay with it, whether new or mixed with old.

Good point you bring up adam but I wouldn't worry! Halo 4 is in good hands! :thumbsup:

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They said that they would respect the sound of halo. So I imagine mixtures of all 5 games along with a lot more emotional touch to it. From what I've heard so far Adam I am very impressed and very happy with what they have done.

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If I remember correctly (I do realize some articles state otherwise), the musical aspect of H4 is going to have the original Halo "feal" only slightly altered. Suppose to be a darker tone attempting to touch the emotions at a deeper level than the previous scores (not that the previous didn't achieve such emotional attachment, lol). As long as the music corresponds to the gameplay or cinematic, I will be okay with it, whether new or mixed with old.

Good point you bring up adam but I wouldn't worry! Halo 4 is in good hands! :thumbsup:

im sure we will know soon enough, the point you made about music corresponding to gameplay made me feel better, i have faith they will make each piece of music go a long with the situations in the game.
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Well they are done recording I believe. We just need to wait a bit longer.

Also this is kind of an opinion so we can't argue much

Not an argument Doc but a place for discussion. Thanks to adam, we now have an official topic to discuss the musical aspect of Halo 4 once the scores are released to the public, or at least the bits that are teased, lol! :thumbsup:

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