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My god I never thought of doing that, does that work all the time?

Ive only done it once but when he snaps out of it you have to hope he is faceing away from you or its only going to get a melee and you are most likely screwed then or you spam a grenades which then makes me feel like the noob. Or if you get the melee and jump back and have a DMR or magnum or other medium range weapon and get a headshot you will be good.

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I go out of my way all the time for the extra assassinations and can usually get between 5-10 assassinations in a game if i try. what are your tops? say a few things that you do on halo that make you proud to play.

I actually never try for assassinations myself, I feel it leaves you too vulnerable to attack. I do get them on a fairly regular basis by just performing a melee from the side or back to finish off an opponent. Sniper sprees, 5-10 in a row, that gets me very pumped up. I feel there is nothing more satisfying than shooting across a map and saving a fellow team mate from certain death or taking out an opposing sniper. You may not always get the highest number of kills, but if you are good, your team appreciates it. It can be a pivotal shot of a flag carrier about to score, a player with a laser about to kill a Warthog full of your team mates or eliminating a harassing banshee from the sky. Sniper.....enough said!

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It makes me proud to play halo when someone ALs on sword base so I then jump on top of him and t bag him while hes in AL then right at the last second I rb down and get an assasination on the noob.

I do get a kick out of taunting an AL player when they use it. I tell them through proximity mic that "I can see your pink thong strap Darlin'".

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I actually never try for assassinations myself, I feel it leaves you too vulnerable to attack. I do get them on a fairly regular basis by just performing a melee from the side or back to finish off an opponent. Sniper sprees, 5-10 in a row, that gets me very pumped up. I feel there is nothing more satisfying than shooting across a map and saving a fellow team mate from certain death or taking out an opposing sniper. You may not always get the highest number of kills, but if you are good, your team appreciates it. It can be a pivotal shot of a flag carrier about to score, a player with a laser about to kill a Warthog full of your team mates or eliminating a harassing banshee from the sky. Sniper.....enough said!

You aren't one of thoes guys that always camps the sniper spawn and kills team mates to get it I hope.

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You aren't one of thoes guys that always camps the sniper spawn and kills team mates to get it I hope.

Absolutely not! I am a camper by any stretch of the imagination. I move, I play. I will no scope beat you down as much as I will long shot you. It just depends on the map and flow of the game. I do keep an eye on the clock and know the spawn times of all power weapons. I call out to my team when the spawns are coming up. It is first come first serve in my opinion. In my group of friends we do each gravitate towards weapons we are good at or like to use, so depending on who's there that game, we discuss it in the pregame lobby.

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