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My Spartan is out of Breath


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In recent news and rumors it was reported that you will be able to hear your Spartan breathing from inside his helmet. How do you think this will effect gameplay and the overall feel of the game within both matchmaking and the campaign.

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I think it will definitely add a better and more realistic feel to it. I mean, come on, halo is already 500 years in the future, where they have genetically engineered supersoldiers fighting alien species bent on wiping out the human race while they fight an unstoppable infection, all while wearing armor made out of titanium that overall weighs about 700 pounds. The least they could do to make it have a more realistic aspect is to have little physical things like the sound of your breath in your helmet. :P

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I hope its like Reach and you just hear your Spartan breathing when sprinting. Because if its constant panting or heavy breathing I think it would get annoying.


Right? thats what i'm thinking.

I know it won't affect gameplay at all, but it would just be irritating.

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Agree with Undead and rentless here, if it's while sprinting like Reach, I'm fine with it, but otherwise it would get really annoying really fast. I would have just liked the two comments, but I'm out of likes. :thumbdown:

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I hope its like Reach and you just hear your Spartan breathing when sprinting. Because if its constant panting or heavy breathing I think it would get annoying.


This was my initial thought. But if this was the information that they were trying to give out I think It wouldn't have been so important.

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Something that I really liked about Reach, which I don't think a lot of people notice while playing, is that when you take permanent Health damage, you can actually hear your Spartan's heartbeat. For me it really added that little bit of extra immersion, so I'm not fundamentally against adding breathing noises - after a while, you wouldn't notice them anyway, just like people stop noticing the HUD lines in Halo 3.


That said, if it's loud enough to be obtrusive, then it might be a problem. Anything that interferes with my concentration is bad for gameplay, so I hope they just keep it understated unless you're sprinting or being shot at.

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