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I think that would be cool but i don't think that will happen. Also i think jun died while protecting halsey on reach.


Not quite. Jun could still be alive but he never died on Reach. That's a fact. He might have died after/before the events of Halo 2 & 3 but he didn't die on Reach neither did Halsey.

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In one of the halo books I forget which it says Dr Halseys guardian/protector died in defending her. Just to add to the confusion the book doesn't say who the protector is lol

So just to clear up the question and give a definite answer on the subject....Jun may or may not be dead

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In one of the halo books I forget which it says Dr Halseys guardian/protector died in defending her. Just to add to the confusion the book doesn't say who the protector is lol

So just to clear up the question and give a definite answer on the subject....Jun may or may not be dead

I have Halo:Reach Limited Edition and in Halsey's Journal it says "Jun sacrificed himself to save me, I am truly grateful".

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well he didnt it was a female spartan that died defendin hasley ik that and bunjie also said jun is alive so he might be in 4 it would b cool... and there are alot of other spartans out n the universe chief aint the last one hes just the only beast one.... also how do spartans take showers jw jw and did they ever get down and dirty? jwjwjw

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And how do Spartans go to the toilet? I've thought that since Halo CE.

I may have issues lol

There is, I believe(okay I'm making this up), a small vacuum tube outlet on the rear of the suit of armor that allows any and all waste product to be whisked away and sent Overnight Express to the Covenant.

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