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[GameSpot] - Hearthstone "Titans" Expansion Brings Warcraft's Gods Into Play


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Hearthstone's next expansion will be named and themed after the most powerful beings in the Warcraft universe: Titans. The new set will introduce 145 new cards, including 11 Legendary "Titan" cards to represent each of Hearthstone's classes. The expansion will also include a new keyword, Forge, and the return of the Magnetic keyword.

To match the theme, the Titans will be extra-powerful in a few different ways. Each comes with a passive ability, along with three active abilities that can be tapped in whatever order you choose, similar to the single-ability Locations. Once you've tapped all three, the Titan will be able to attack normally using its regular attack and health stats.

The expansion will also introduce a new Forge keyword. For the cost of two mana, you can drag a Forge card to your deck to hammer out an extra ability. The upgraded version will then return straight to your hand. This will be added alongside the return of the Magnetic keyword, which lets Mechs stick to each other and combine their stats. But in a major revision, Magnetic cards will no longer require an empty space on the board to play.

This will all be part of the Hearthstone 27.0 update. Before all that, though, patch 26.6 will usher in the new Twist mode to replace Classic. For this first beta test, called New Age, the format will allow all Core set cards plus everything from Ashes of Outland onward--but no neutrals. That mode will have its own rank progression and can net you Tavern Pass rewards just like Standard and Wild formats.

Finally, from July 11 to August 1 the Fire Festival will return, granting a special event rewards track with event quests in both Hearthstone and Battlegrounds modes. Completing the track will earn you six card packs, a Felblaze Illidan Demon Hunter skin, and a Sparkhoarder Togwaggle Battlegrounds hero skin.

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