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Other information on back of Halo 4 action figure box?


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I have noticed to very interesting things that, to my knowledge, have not been touched on.



1. Spartan Warrior vs. Spartan Soldier


Since the flash blocks out the Spartan Warrior I can't 100% say that the two are different but it is interesting that the Spartans have different names. This may also suggest that the armor you wear has an effect on what your Spartan is called maybe which would make sense because 343i is all about customizing the loadouts/classes system. Just pure speculation though.


2. Spartan Soldier's Helmet


May just be the color of the Spartan Soldier's Helmet and the background of the back of the figure clashing but I think that's a Helmet we've never seen before. I could be wrong though.


3. Grunt Storm


New name for Grunt Minors?


Well, that's all I got. Pretty interesting stuff eh?

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