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Insult Me


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You are what I like to call, a limp *BLAM!*. A cowardly, no good, run of the mill bourgesie *BLAM!* head who can't tell his own ass from his face. Let me tell you something you pathetic excuse for a Human being, you make me sick. You make my mother sick and she's dead! She died when she saw your face and her corpse is still throwing up! Your pimply. Your pasty. Your no effing good.


You look at Modern art and force yourself to like it beacuse that is how perverse you are. You actually LIKE Justin Bieber.


Honestly, I have seen cockroaches who would make a better man than you. And if by some wild chance you were a Woman, I sure as *BLAM!* wouldn't know beacuse your voice sounds like some god awfull genderless freak! To think that at one time people respected you. YOU?! Your nothing! DISGUSTING, WORTHLESS, NO GOOD PIECE OF *BLAM!* Scum of the earth, thats what I say, and you and your kind should be wiped right out like the vermin you are.


Your behavior suggests nothing more than a pedophile who mistakenly believes he's a great guy and that everyone loves him. No one loves you! Why would anyone love you? That would be like me loving excrement! Though, God knows, compared to you, excrement is looking pretty good indeed.


Its remarkable how every single time I think I've mastered my own nausea, your face manages to floor me, literally, every time. The moles, the zits, the oozing postules, and the shady half half breed eyes which prove that you are the descendant of mongrels! No good half blood descendants of rats!


It doesn't help that your glasses are thicker than the Empire State building, that your so fat you could use an interstate highway as a slip and slide. When your own mother saw what she had given birth to, she became comatose out of sheer disgust. Not fright! No one could be frightened of you...what are you, three inches tall? I need a magnifying glass just to see you. They'd have to build a roller coaster for ants just for you to be able to ride one and to top it off...you think your funny?


Your jokes are staler than three week old bread! At best, AT BEST, the nicest, kindlest, gentlest among us can muster maybe half a respectfull chuckle at the abortive attempts at humor you come up with. You make modern day Adam Sandler movies look like laugh riots!


And, to be quite frank, YOUR FRANK (if you catch my drift) is small, stubby and limp.


I hope you burn in eternal hellfire you rotten, disgusting, lously, dead beat, *BLAM!* eating, mother *BLAM*!









I'm Done.

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