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halo of pc again


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You could at least give some legitimate reasons for why you wouldn't want Halo to also be available on the PC. I wouldn't mind Halo being released on the PC alongside the Xbox 360 releases, or maybe released a year or two afterwards. If they would be willing to support the community by offering modding kits, exclusive content, and a good multiplayer interface/service then I would be all for it. My PC wouldn't be able to handle something like Halo 4 and I'm mainly a console gamer so I'd play on the Xbox 360, but if I were to upgrade my computer so that it could run something like a PC version of Halo 4 on max settings, I'd gladly purchase and play it on that platform as well.

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The only issue I have with Halo titles coming again to pc is the resource requirement. Even when running Halo 2 on XP.systems, it required too much. Judging from engine specs of games older, like Halo 3....an optimal.system.would need at least a 1st gen triple.core or at minimal.a.second gen quad core. Gpu would likely be a nvidia 4 series or ati 6 series. Neither one is very cheap for kids or even.budgeted students or young adults in this.economy.

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That's true. Microsoft does want to keep Halo a console only title, but Frank did hint on and straight out tell us that PC titles for Halo were not out of the realm of possabilities, and then quickly moved on. Don't be suprised if we see at E3 this year, a suprise port of possibly H3 and ODST or just one of them from Certain Affinity or Sabre Interactive.

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