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[GameSpot] - Remnant 2: Lament Dial Puzzle Guide


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Remnant II is not only filled with deadly enemy hoards to shoot your way through--it's also teeming with extremely challenging puzzles that can test the mettle of even the most diehard problem-solvers. One such tricky puzzle takes place in Yaesha while exploring The Lament. If you've stumbled upon a collection of coffins with symbols above them and can't figure out what order to input align on the dial, we've got you covered here.

How to solve the Lament dial puzzle

When you first arrive at the Lament's dial puzzle, you'll see a collection of coffins with symbols above them. On each of these coffins is a body with a blanket draped over them. At the top of the area is a dial (it's technically referred to as a plinth here) with the same symbols on it as the ones found above the coffins.

Your first goal should be to thoroughly explore the Lament and seek out a book that spawns in random places throughout, though it's generally not very far from the puzzle area. When you come across the book, you'll note that the first page has a symbol on it that differs from any you've seen above the coffins.

The symbol and color variations in this book are randomized, meaning you'll have to find the book to know which symbol is active in your game at the time. In our game, it was a blue diamond shape with additional lines coming from each corner (as seen below), but there's a high chance that your symbol will be entirely different.

The book will show you which symbol is generated in your game. It may not look like the one above.

Once you've figured out the symbol that has been generated for your instance of the game, it's time to return to the coffins. The goal here is to find which four blankets have the symbol from the book and then remember the symbol above each of those specific coffins.

When you've found all four symbols needed, you can return to the dial and input them in any order. When you've placed them into the dial correctly, the door ahead of you will open and reveal a path to a useful item. In our game, this was a Blood Ring, but it's possible the item here is randomized, so we'll update this when we know for sure.

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