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Ever since I've been playing Halo I've always wondered one thing. What happened to the civilians? I wondered this because all we know about is the military side to things in the universe. Did the able bodied get drafted into the military ? Are they being protected in/around military bases?

Or are they all in the military or wiped out.

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Yes the civilians are always there in cities but we're only following the military aspect of things in the games because that's where the protagonists lie. They're on colony worlds and stuff too, they're there but you only come in contact with them in Halo Wars and Halo: Reach

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It was only skipped to key events and we only played mission. Whilst playing recent installments I never really thought about the Civilians that were in place, but when Reach came out and we started to see the Civilians I did start to wonder where they were in other installments of Halo.


In future installments I would like to see some Civilian activity in the game, like we did in Reach. On games like Halo 3 and Halo 2 I felt alone whilst going through the game by myself. However, when Reach came out I felt that not so much as the Civilians acted as a counterpart for this.


Also, we never really played in major cities in any installments before, which I think might be why there were none.

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The civilians are still around. They just so happen to be far away from where you are. Normally throughout the Halo series you as the player are in areas that you wouldn't expect to find civilians (Halo rings, Abandoned New Mombasa). The civilians are probably hiding somewhere in a deep dark hole, probably similar to the crows nest.

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The civilians are still around. They just so happen to be far away from where you are. Normally throughout the Halo series you as the player are in areas that you wouldn't expect to find civilians (Halo rings, Abandoned New Mombasa). The civilians are probably hiding somewhere in a deep dark hole, probably similar to the crows nest.


No-one said that they'd disappeared, just that we did not see much of them throughout the games, pardoning Halo: Reach.

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I never actually though about them. I think they stay in UNSC Bases and Colony Ships.


I'm not quite sure, I think they're still on the planets but just in different locations. You don't appear to be in many city locations when playing the games, just battle grounds and such.

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