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[GameSpot] - Diablo 4 Season Blessing Intended To Earn You More Gold Also Makes Things Cost More


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Diablo IV's Urn of Bargaining season blessing is intended to make it so players find more gold in their pockets, but while that is technically true, it also makes some of the most common ways players spend their gold even more expensive.

As part of Diablo IV Season 1, players who work their way through the game's battle pass periodically unlock Smoldering Ash. This currency can be used to upgrade various seasonal blessings that grant extra benefits over the course of the season, such as more experience gained from killing monsters, or, in the case of the Urn of Bargaining blessing, earning more gold from vendoring items.

Unfortunately, the Urn of Bargaining blessing is currently a double-edged sword. As highlighted and tested live by streamer DatModz, though the blessing can earn players up to 20% more gold from selling items, it appears a bug is making it so repairing items and re-rolling Legendary item affixes also costs 20% more. This is particularly noticeable when re-rolling Legendaries, as doing so consecutively for the same item can easily send the gold cost into the tens of millions.

Blizzard has not yet commented on the issue. Thankfully, players can reallocate the Smoldering Ash they've already spent for a small gold fee, but it seems like a wise decision to avoid investing in the blessing at all until it's fixed. Instead, players can go for the season blessings that increase the chances for obtaining rare salvage materials or finding rare Malignant Hearts.

Diablo IV's first season hasn't been without controversy. The game's massive Season 1 update brought wide-ranging nerfs to multiple aspects of the game, which didn't go over well with many in the Diablo community. Blizzard in response vowed to never release an update similar to the Season 1 update "ever again," saying it "knows it's not the greatest play experience for players out there."

Some improvements, however, are on the way. Diablo IV's next update, patch 1.1.1, will add a single new stash tab, even as Blizzard says adding more inventory space is currently not an option due to performance concerns.

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  • 7 months later...

Your post sheds light on an interesting aspect of Diablo 4 Season 1, particularly the Urn of Bargaining blessing. It's fascinating to see how it affects gold accumulation and expenditure, creating a dynamic gameplay experience. While the intention behind earning more gold is clear, the unintended consequence of increased costs adds another layer of strategy to the game.
Speaking of managing gold and optimizing your Diablo 4 experience, have you considered exploring options to buy Diablo 4 gold? Platforms like this offer reliable services and competitive prices, ensuring a seamless gaming journey.

Edited by PeatearIss
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  • 4 months later...

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  • 3 weeks later...

We noticed the same thing with the gold in Diablo 4's Season Blessing. At first, I thought I was making a ton of progress with all the extra gold, but then I realized the prices for everything went up too. It feels like the increased gold earnings are almost offset by the higher costs, so it's hard to tell if there's any real benefit.

It seems like Blizzard might have designed it this way to keep the game balanced, but it can be frustrating when you're trying to save up for something specific. We at PvPvE Boosting found that it's all about being strategic with your spending and knowing when to cash in on those blessings. If you focus on high-value activities that give you the most bang for your buck, you can still come out ahead.

Anyone else feeling the pinch, or have you found a way to make the most of the gold boost this season?

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As someone who has been playing Diablo since the second installment, I have to say that the balancing of resources in Diablo IV has been a mixed bag. On one hand, I appreciate the effort to keep the game challenging and engaging by making gold management more critical. However, it feels a bit frustrating when the game introduces mechanics like the Season Blessing that are supposed to help, but end up making things more expensive at the same time.

The economy in Diablo IV definitely pushes players to think more strategically, but it can also lead to moments where it feels like the game is nudging you towards making a Diablo 4 gold purchase just to keep up. While I understand the need to balance progression, it would be great if these boosts didn’t come with such a steep trade-off. It sometimes feels like a bit of a catch-22 situation.

I’m curious to hear what other long-time players think. Is this just part of the challenge we’ve come to expect from Diablo, or do you feel the game is leaning a bit too heavily on monetization strategies?

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