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Who here really cares about rank? I mean...

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All you really care about is getting the armor you want and winning and just have a blast playing. I mean you get to interact with people all surround the world and play your favorite guy... And I garintee you couldnt play for more than an hour on your favorite game if you didn't have Internet you would not be as in the game playing it all by yourself. Me my self SEKC TTBLSSH is the rank forerunner in halo reach and the only reason I want an inheritor is because I will unlock the skull helmet that is AWESOME!!!


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I like playing as master chief or any character, multiplayer is cool and all but campaign beats it. Especially master chiefs story. There needs to be lots of stuff added for campaign. I support the 2 disk idea. I don't care about rank or armor as long as i have fun. All that matters.

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Agree, I could care less about my rank BUT On the other hand, I passionately care about winning. So if winning gets me a fancy rank and cool looking armor that not many people have thats a plus to me. But as fair as EXP rankings go I really don't care for that kind of ranking system. I personally believe that if a game only offers a EXP ranking then that causes what i like to call the "Call of Duty effect" which (in my opinion) cause less team work among general games and more "lone wolf" style of play. Now more than ever, I miss the 1 through 50 rankings in Halo... I miss my 50 :cray:

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As far as rank, doesn't mean you are a better player (at least not in Reach) so I don't really care about it.


Hit and miss about the 1-50 ranking, which is where the Social and Ranked playlists came in handy. On the days I was feeling competitive, I would play ranked, other days i would play social. Unfortunately, I don't get to spend a whole lot of time gaming so I generally use the time I do have for campaign, unless I take the day off, lol.


Looking forward to H4 and ALL it has to offer! I WILL be taking Nov. 6 off, lmao!! :thumbsup:

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Have to.agree with campaign being the bees knees. For me Halo drew me in withe campaign gameplay. I never really got into or appriciated multiplayer until I started to do wicked mods for it. Halo 3 had a great multiplayer but I found the maps and the tweaks to.the globals and matg a bit oberboard. Not to mention the nasty habit of hitboxes incorrectly registering a sniper shot....


Halo 4 does need to build off the campaign mkre for me personally. Ranks and multiplayer always came in last as campaign was the one solid tbing that sold the game. Without a descent campaign or other game mode distraction, Halo would have just become another arcade download just for multiplayer play.


Ranks are important to a lot of people but again...this is why we must have a seperation and choice in which avenue of gameplay we want to experience. All.for ranks.....just dont force it on me.

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