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Spartan Op footage to be at E3

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im hoping they show a new launch trailer and gameplay from the first campaign mission i cant wait


I want them to show us a full length slayer match more than anything. Because when they show campaign mission like that it kind of ruins the excitement of playing the campaign for the first time because you already knows what happens.

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I want them to show us a full length slayer match more than anything. Because when they show campaign mission like that it kind of ruins the excitement of playing the campaign for the first time because you already knows what happens.

If they show some of the first mission with chief fighting his way off the ship id be fine with that but i dont want anymore then that. and yes a full slayer game would be most welcomed i really want to see multiplayer footage. off topic hope the new star wars game is battlefront 3. but halo 4 is going to be what im looking forward to the most.
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