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Wrongly getting 'quitting ban'


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Okay, I don't know if this is the right thread or not but I have problems with connection & playing Halo Reach. I can be playing winning or losing and all the sudden my connection gives out and this happens often. Now I have temporary ban for quitting but can't do anything about it. If i keep playing and losing connection will i get a permanent ban?

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Okay, I don't know if this is the right thread or not but I have problems with connection & playing Halo Reach. I can be playing winning or losing and all the sudden my connection gives out and this happens often. Now I have temporary ban for quitting but can't do anything about it. If i keep playing and losing connection will i get a permanent ban?

They do not ordinarily permanently ban people for quitting. The only time they would do that is if you were intentionally doing it to boost/derank. What you should do is find a way to get a better connection. Try contacting your ISP and see what suggestions they have for you.


The reason they haven't taken out counting lagging out as quitting is because people would intentionally lag out of the lobby (pretty easy to do if you know how) but people who lag hurt the overall experience of the game. That may not be your intention, but all it takes is one person with a bad connection to make some pretty crappy stuff happen in game (people dying from lifts, lagging off the map, etc).


To improve your connection try resetting your modem, connecting your x-box with an ethernet cable rather than using wireless, hook the x-box directly up to the modem rather than a router, and call your ISP to make sure you are getting what you are paying for.

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