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More screen shots of the halo 4 multiplayer.

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Here are more screen shots from Halo 4 multiplayer this one appears to be a different map from the video footage of the other one which is being played on warhouse, Tyrael has posted a video of warhouse here

http://www.343indust...er-low-quality/ as you can see this map is outside this could be one of the vehicle based maps that frank o'connor mentioned a while ago


edit: theorix already had this posted i didnt realize that, credits to him heres his post http://www.343indust...733#entry101733


From little english halo blog



8 New screen grabs have surfaced courtesy of Italian Halo site

halouniverse.it, the quality is poor but we do get a look at some new assets:





Assault Carbine maybe? The screen suggests it UNSC, but could be some sort of UNSC-Forerunner hybrid weapon.




The RailGun! Also a very glossy looking Ghost.



No idea what this is, looks like the Target Locator from Reach.. the icon in the top right suggests it could be the grenade pistol seen in the announce trailer. The pro-pipe has a little screen, so maybe it's an evolution on that.



Looks like they dipped their camera in vaseline before taking this shot...



Pistol and an Ordinance drop.



Autosentry! Firepower?



Resupply? Grenadier? Awareness?



Regenerating Health! Hologram! Hardlight Shield! Active Camo! Thruster Pack!

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