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Take your codnut butter out of my halo


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People who keep saying i'm sick of these halo=cod threads can take there own advice and stop commenting on the thread if they don't like it. drone is saying that halo is turning into cod not that it is cod. He says they are borrowing/stealing way too much from cod and i agree. The reason i played halo was because it wasn't cod. i liked how it took (in comparison to cod) ages to kill someone. Features that have cod like concepts behind them.


grenade indicator (confirmed in e3 trailer)

sprint as default (this isn't a major complaint but it still bugs me)

not being able to pick up grenades

no weapons on map

ordnance drops


instant re spawn

point instead of kill scoring


so for all you people saying it's not turning into cod look at the facts (above) these features are all new to halo and are all found in cod. Halo is halo and needs to stop trying to be cod just to get more people to play it because frankly its pushing people who actually care about what makes halo halo further and further away.

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People who keep saying i'm sick of these halo=cod threads can take there own advice and stop commenting on the thread if they don't like it. drone is saying that halo is turning into cod not that it is cod. He says they are borrowing/stealing way too much from cod and i agree. The reason i played halo was because it wasn't cod. i liked how it took (in comparison to cod) ages to kill someone. Features that have cod like concepts behind them.


grenade indicator (confirmed in e3 trailer)

sprint as default (this isn't a major complaint but it still bugs me)

not being able to pick up grenades

no weapons on map

ordnance drops


instant re spawn

point instead of kill scoring


so for all you people saying it's not turning into cod look at the facts (above) these features are all new to halo and are all found in cod. Halo is halo and needs to stop trying to be cod just to get more people to play it because frankly its pushing people who actually care about what makes halo halo further and further away.


The grenade indicator was a weird decision, but it's not something that actually bothers me all that much. I would prefer it to not be in the game, but I don't mind that much if it is.


Sprinting to me is something that Halo has needed ever since Halo 3. I am absolutely tired of being limited to one set movement speed and having no way to move any faster apart from vehicles. Allowing everyone to sprint at all times allows them to get to their team mates faster, get into a fight quicker, and move across the map (especially larger maps) faster as well. I see it as something that provides a lot more good than bad.


This is another weird decision that they've made. Honestly I don't really care too much for this. I found it silly in CoD that you weren't allowed to pick up grenades, and I honestly don't care for the decision to limit the ability to do so to an upgrade or specialisation (not sure which it is).


This is absolutely false. Weapons will, in fact, still be placed around the map as you would expect from a Halo game. I do believe they said this in an interview. The only difference is now you will be able to call in ordinance drops in certain gametypes when you get enough kills. I don't mind this so long as it's balanced.


These abilities we are seeing are similar to perks, but are still not exactly like them. In Call of Duty you are given the option to equip three perks at once. In Halo 4 you will only be allowed to choose one armour ability, one tactical package, and one upgrade. I know what you're saying "How's that different from Call of Duty's three perk limit?". Well to me the biggest difference is that the perks in Call of Duty aren't balanced properly. There don't seem to be any negative effects of having a certain perk equipped other than not being able to have another. In Halo 4 I'm sure they'll attempt to balance these things out by adding a trade off of some kind. For example, the increased damage upgrade/modifier will give you a red glow/haze around your player character, letting others know of what you've equipped. We still don't know exactly how everything is going to work, so I'm still going to hold my final thoughts for when I play the game.


I do believe I heard that your shields recharge faster and that your movement speed is more akin to Halo 3 than Halo: Reach. Not to mention that you'll always be able to sprint at any time. With these things in mind, coupled with the fact that someone might choose to spectate their team mates or change a loadout doesn't make this seem so bad. It's not like it instantly respawns you unless you choose to change loadouts. I specifically remember seeing a countdown timer when someone died in a released multiplayer video. For game modes such as CTF, there will be no instant respawning, so it might just be a Slayer-based gametype feature.


I actually like the point based system. If someone isn't getting any kills, but they're assisting their team mates by doing other things, why shouldn't that count for something? If I am travelling with a teammate and watching his back, putting in shots for him to finish them off or something like that, don't I deserve to be rewarded for my effort? I'd like to think so. Each kill is worth 10 points, so if the point cap for a match is 500 points, that's pretty much the 50 kill score system with points also rewarded to players who help out in other ways.


If 343 Industries can really balance all of these things well so that there isn't anything like a "God loadout" or any that become something everyone uses, then I'm fine with the changes. So long as everything is balanced well and doesn't hold the players hand all that much, I'm fine. So far it doesn't seem to be holding our hands, but we won't know if it's balanced until we play it for ourselves.

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Im not saying that halo is steeling from cod because it is steeling from other games but im saying cod is heavily influencing halo. In the new halo there going to have create a class, perks, sprint weapon, camo, and the worst thing they could ever put in Quick kills and fast gameplay. You can usally find all of these in every new fps game with multiplayer.


I like how halo always gave everyone the same weapons and you would get a better weapon by picking one up, if someone didn't get one first. Now people can have any weapon they like, but people like to pick the weapon that kills people the fastest even if they dont like the gun (Like the famas from bo. It looks stuped but its one of the best).


Every game now has camo. Bfbc2, Homefrount, cod, gears, and now halo. I like it but, it just isnt halo. Halos about haveing custom armor (The halo 4 armor looks horible, ill stick with mc's armor) and changeing its collor and stuff.


Perks and armor abilitys are not halo. It gives people advantiges over others.


People are to fast these days. They dont care about anyone but themselfs and they troll everyone they can. The only thing that halo is now is you get armor, your a spartin, Theres the master chief, some guns are comeing back, but thats it. I just want them to make another halo 3.


you forgot care packages :cough: i mean ordinance drops


and i agree, the armor kinda looks stupid. i wish it would be more like the spartan II armor

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Guys, put it to rest. Quit spamming the forums with this crap. Halo is not CoD, and CoD is not Halo. End of story. These threads are a useless waste of forum space. Please, just drop this crap. be excited for Halo, be excited for CoD, I don't care, just quit mixing the two. 343 is simply going in new directions with Halo 4, trying new ideas based on community input. That doesn't mean they're turning it into CoD. With that said, drop it and move on.

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