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We need to do something about the activity level


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Hello everyone, as you might know, we have reached our 5000th member :D. But I was running some statistics with my best friend the calculator as to what the percentage of our members actually get on today.


So I am going to conduct an experiment, I am going to make a table to see the percentage of our members who get on everyday, I will update this everyday also.

Today's activity percentage was, 3.3%


Chart for first day, can't find a way to resize it correctly, just squint at it



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure the lack of being able to see ANYTHING without signing up isn't helping.


There needs to be a reason to even want to sign up in the first place... a topic of interest, a coming feature, a promise of suggestions being taken seriously for future development... as it is, you come to the site (which isn't even at the top of google results) and get immediately barred from seeing anything. I honestly almost just said "F it!" and left, and I'm sure plenty others have.

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I find this sad, this site is 20 times better then b.net and has a community which dosnt make fun of people,troll.etc. I just find it sad so little know about this site.

I feel your pain. But if we try to tell Bungie.net about this place, we 'll just get flamed.

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the reason most bungie.net people posted is because it was their official site, and they felt like they had all had a reason to post on the site, because they knew they at least would of been at least listened too.


From what ive heard, this is just a fan site, as i said on the shoutbox, there will be a huge activity level shot up soon, just not right now, you've got to remember, there are two 343 sites, one the official and one the fan site (this one), so most people will be at the official, and the rest of the people right now are staying with bungie.net.

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From what I've seen on Bungie most of the kids have stayed there but trust me you don't want them anyways it chaos over there. All the older people have moved over to the offical website. One way I can think of to get more people is make the forums viewable without joining. Alot of people will find this site from google if they can't read it without join there just going to go to the next link. Alot of people would prob join after hanging out here a bit reading up on stuff if anything it would be worth a shot. I know one thing is this site is much more organized then Waypoint all there halo threads 1 through 4 including reach is combined in one section its a mess. Thats the reason I'm here but like I said most probaly won't sign up without being able to check out the forum first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will vent some concerns I have had recently.


First off, I think people think the Waypoint forums are the best place to get halo info.

Secondly, in all of the time that I have been on here I have never seen anything official released from someone at 343. I think people are not sure if its legit. In all of the commenting and postings I have not seen anything from someone that we can verify works for 343. That is frustrating.

Third, waypoint has members like BS Angel and others who we know are associated with the halo projects and get checks from Microsoft and 343. I don't know who Twam is (no offense) but I don't know if he works for 343 or even has any info that we don't have.


If I want to see if something is confirmed I go to waypoint and b.net first because info is always posted there first unfortunately.



Other than that, I love the site and the community of friends I have made on here. And I wish we could get more action on here too.

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