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Rebecca Black's "Friday" is a Work of Unparalleled Genius

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Rebecca Black's song "Friday" is a work of unparalleled genuis.


Of course you guys don't see it, you may never see it, but I'm telling the

truth. This is not a troll or whatever you think it is. No. This song and its

accompanying video represent one of the greatest works of musical art I've

ever seen, ranking alongside anything Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel, etc. has

ever done.


Why do I say this? Because underneath its bubbly, faux-happy surface is a

seething cauldron of existential dread and despair. You've all missed the

forest for the trees, and while you've been busy mocking it you've missed its

brilliance. So let me take you through the video step by step and maybe at

least a couple of you will begin to see.


Remember that these are just my own observations, after only a few viewings:

this video is so multi-layered that unraveling its symbolsim and meaning would

take years of careful examination.


We open with a production card and some building synths. As the music

continues, we see a sort of calendar with flipping pages. Before we get to the

lyrics, there's a couple of things in the sequence worth pointing out, because

they set the tone for the rest of the video and establish its overarching



Firstly, black appears as a hideous moving drawing on the pages, moaning

"yeah, yeah" in robotic auto-tuned cadence, This startling image of the singer

- and her voice - both lie snugly in the very nadir of the uncanny valley.

Ostensibly we are looking at a human, but it isn't close enough to what we

recognize as human to inspire anything other than revulsion.


I think the director was trying to create a vision of "hyperreal" here. Like a

sports drink with a flavor such as "blue mountain ice berry" that doesn't

exist in nature. Black is a simulacra of something that never existed in the

first place. Like to many American teens, she is attempting to live up to an

ideal that's impossible to attain - outwardly succeeding in many respects, but

never achieving self-actualization in any meaningful way, always feeling like

an imposter, mired in a cycle of materialism and futile competition that

serves no purpose. She doesn't feel "real" and so in these opening frames she

is presented as just that: an unreal monster, a horrible, ugly outside

creation. This artificiality of the music itself plays into the theme as well

-- I don't think there's a single real instrument in the entire song.


Secondly, on the pages of the calendar we see some words that we are supposed

to assume Black wrote there. On the page for Thursday, she has written "I am

Thursday's Child. :(" This is a very clever reference to a nursery rhyme that

ascribes personality traits to people born on certain days of the week. The

line for Thursday reads, "Thursday's child has far to go."


There are multiple things going on here. As a young girl, Black has far to go

before reaching adulthood and the (largely mythical) freedoms she ascribes to

it. She also has "far to go" before she can accept herself for who she is. She

has "far to go" before she can be the person everyone around her expects her

to be -- very, very far -- and she will never get there. These are the main

conflicts that are present throughout the song.


Finally, the lyrics start. The monstrous drawing of Black gives way to the

flesh-and-blood Black, just waking up with her alarm clock. Her eyes snap open and

she starts out of bed instantly, almost mechanically.


>7 AM, waking up in the morning

>Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs

>Gotta have my bowl

>Gotta have cereal


Gotta. She has no choice. She HAS to do othese things. As Black sings these

lines, she gives a disdainful look to her alarm, obviously wishing she could

sleep more, but dutifully she throws her covers off (does this represent her

urge to throw off the comforting but ultimately cloying shackles of childhood?

Perhaps.) and we cut to her standing downstairs, dressed and ready to go,

where she finishes the verse.


In the downstairs section, she stands stone-still, her facial features

unmoving as she tells us that she must have a bowl of cereal. This is her

routine; to break it would be a horrible transgression. And what exactly

happens if she breaks her routine? Well, nothing -- but she doesn't know that,

and she's too terrified to find out. She wants freedom, but she isn't strong

enough to give it to herself.


>See everything

>The time is going, ticking on and on

>And everybody's rushing


Behind Black, her family goes through their own daily routine in fast-forward.

No one has time anymore, it seems to her, and by extension the viewer.

Everyone's day is firmly regimented, planned out months in advance, and there

isn't any room to allow oneself a peaceful moment. For success we have traded

in our very identities. Black is disgusted with her family, and more importantly, with herself.


>Gotta get down to the bus stop

>Gotta catch my bus


More gottas. Again, Black has no choice in what she does with her time. We

cut to her at the bus stop, suddenly she notices something off-screen and

gives a painfully faked smile:


>I see my friends


Her smile isn't real. As the camera reveals her "friends" pulling up in a

late-model car, neither are theirs. She cannot stand these people. Like her,

they're imposters, trying to live up to some abstract version of what a

perfect teenager should be, and she hates them for it. But on the other hand,

they are nothing less than a mirror into her own empty soul -- all the more

reason to despise them.


>Kicking in the front seat

>Sitting in the back seat

>Gotta make my mind up

>Which seat can I take?


A verse absolutely pregnant with meaning. It's gotten a lot of derision, and

that's a shame because it's one of the great little moments in this song.

Black surmises the car. Her friends are motioning for her to join them. Why

would she do that instead of taking the bus? It's obvious that her friends

aren't going to school today. And as she looks at them she realizes that she

has to make up her mind: will she continue the daily routine that she has

become her own personal prison, or will she break free, skip school and taste



Which seat can she take? Will she sit in the back, a passive bystander to her

own life? Or will she sit in the front -- wrest control of her own destiny and

decide for herself what she wants to do?


>It's Friday, Friday

>Gotta get down of Friday


We cut to Black in the car with her friends. But she's in the back. After all

that turmoil, she's still a slave to others, doing not what she wants, but

what is suggested to her by her peers. She may have rebelled against the

tyranny of schooling but she's still imprisoned and acting without will.


"Gotta get down on Friday." Not "wanna get down on Friday," or "gonna get down

on Friday," or any number of lines that may have worked. It's another "gotta."

She is as much under the control of society as ever. In fact, her minor

rebellion may itself be part of the act she's been putting on her whole life.

What teenager doesn't skip school?


>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend

>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Fun, fun, fun

>Looking forward to the weekend


Horrible. No one in the car is happy. They bob their heads and smile through

gritted teeth as they lie about how much fun they're having, but they all look

so desperate, so pained. They look OLD, like world-weary soldiers. Their

refrains of "yeah!" are delivered with unenthusiastic fist pumps, the veil on

their false joy wearing alarmingly thin. Black chants "fun, fun fun" not like

someone who is enjoying themselves but like a Nazi in a concentration camp.

She is ordering herself to have fun, as if simply saying the words will make

it so. but it's not so, and she knows it. This isn't fun. This is hell.


>7:45, we're driving on the highway

>Cruising so fast

>I want time to fly


12 hours have passed in an instant. we cut to Black in a completely different

car, wearing a completely different outfit, with a completely different group

of people. What happened in the interim? That's left to our imagination, but

there is some imagery here that strongly implies Black lost her virginity at

some point in the time gap.


Firstly, all the people in her company are noticably older than the original

group of friends. She is with adults now, not children. This suggests that she

too is an adult: she has stepped into womanhood.


Secondly, in the morning she was wearing a bright purple shirt, symbolic of

youth and innocence. Now she wears all black, symbolic of impurity -- and

mourning. She has lost her innocence, and she regrets it. The car, too, has

gone from white to black -- pure to impure.


Whatever the case, it's clear Black has had quite the day. But still she sits

in the back seat -- through it all, she is still not in control.


Why does she want time to fly? Isn't she having "fun, fun, fun?" Of course

not. This has been the worst day of her life, and she wants it to be over as

soon as possible. This is probably the only time she directly betrays her true

emotions in the entire song. Her self-loathing over giving up her virginity --

and over myriad other things -- bubbles to the surface in that fleeting

instant, before she tamps is all back down again and continues the pathetic

charade of enjoying herself.


>Fun, fun

>Think about fun


Again, ordering herself to have fun. This is reminiscent of "lie back and

think about England," the advice given to Victorian-era brides on how to deal

with being raped by their husbands. Was her loss of virginity will? Or did she

"grin and bear it" as part of the ritual she felt she had to endure to cross

the Rubicon into adulthood?


Now that she has crossed that Rubicon, and nothing has changed, she is deeply

ashamed. Yet she still lies to herself, still she pretends to be having fun.


>You know what it is

>I got this, you got this

>My friend is by my right

>I got this, you got this

>Now you know it


She smiles, but her eyes tell a different story. They're pleading with you to

understand her, her plight. She wants you to understand why she's done this,

and to forgive her. But she really wants something else. She wants to forgive

herself of what has happened today.

Maybe she never will.


>Kicking in the front seat

>Sitting in the back seat

>Gotta make my mind up

>Which seat can I take?


We come full circle. She knows that to become a truly free agent she will have

to disavow her false friends and live for herself. Will she be able to take

this step? Will she summon the courage to strike out on her own? Immediately

she answers for herself: she hugs two "friends" closer. She isn't ready to be

her own person yet. Not even the loss of her innocence could imbue her with

the courage to move forward. She will be a slave to others for the foreseeable



>It's Friday, Friday

>Gotta get down on Friday

>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend


Black arrives at a party and waves to a boy her age. He glances salaciously at

her backside -- perhaps this is the boy who took her virginity? The party is

outdoors, and it's pitch black except for the headlight from the cars there.

Without her friends, without her peers, Black would be in dark, completely

lost. The meaning is obvious.


Again, she's "gotta" get down. The line has now acquired a disturbing sexual

connotation given what has transpired, but its basic meaning is essentially the



>Friday, Friday

>Getting down on Friday


Watch closely here, this is around 1:50. Her smile completely drops for an

instant as she says the second line. She hates herself.


>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend


The boy from before walks up behind Black and makes an inappropriate

sexually-charged grab at her. She swirls around in shock, but then fakes a

smile at him. She cannot bring herself to admit how disgusting she finds him.


>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Fun, fun, fun

>Looking forward to the weekend


Black walks backwards here. It's easy to read into that. She's not improving

herself, but regressing. For all her bluster and pretending, she's worse off

tonight than she was this morning. More of her false friends make unconvincing

fist pumps. Once again, not one is happy.


>Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday

>Today it is Friday, Friday


We see Black again as the drawing-monster from the beginning. She recites the

progression of the days of the week. Yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday.


This transformation and these lyrics validate the suggestion that her

rebellions today have been nothing more than yet another piece in the larger

act she's been putting on, of being the perfect teenager. The days of the week

are set in stone, they always come in the same order. And Black's

rebelliousness was equally predictable. It wasn't spontaneous at all.


>We, we, we so excited

>We so excited

>We gonna have a ball today


Black talks in broken English, but it's just an affectation, like everything

she's done today. Talking like a stereotypical "urban" (read:black) person is

supposed to be "edgy" for this young white suburban girl, but it's not edgy

if everyone in her peer group is doing it, just tired and clichéd. She's no

bohemian or free-thinker or even common punk, she's a mindless drone doing

what all the others do.


>Tomorrow is Saturday

>And Sunday comes afterwards


The predictability of her actions are again hammered home as Black is shown

directly turning from the moving drawing into her real life counterpart. The

drawing-monster and Black are the same entity: a horrendous, unreal

abomination, revolting yet pitiable.


>I don't want this weekend to end


But she does. She trembles with this lie, and has to say it with an open-

mouthed gape, as if forcing it out of herself. How long can she go on like

this before she cracks?


>RB Rebecca Black

>So chillin' in the front side


A grown man begins to rap, cutting into Rebecca's lyrics (symbolizing her

powerlessness?). He calls her by name, then looks down at his crotch as he

says the second line. More sexual connotations abound. Has this adult man

victimized the young Black?


>In the back seat

>I'm driving, cruising


These lines have caused confusion, but it makes sense if you consider "So

chillin' in the front side, in the backseat" to refer to Black, and "I'm

driving, cruisin' as referring to himself. He's having sex with her , but largely against her

will (she is still in the back seat). Rather, HE is the one in control -- HE

is in the front seat, driving. "Cruising" here takes on its sexual meaning as

well as its more literal one -- he is cruising for underaged girls to abuse.


>Fast lanes, switching lanes

>With a car on my side

>Passing by is a school bus

>In front of me

>Makes me tick tock, tick tock

>Wanna scream


Chilling. This man is a pedophile and the children aboard the school bus

arouse him. But let's look closer. The fact that they're on a school bus is

very meaningful indeed. Because if Black had followed her usual routine and

gone to school, had failed to rebel -- she still may not have escaped the fate

that befell her tonight. Eventually she would have been sullied by the horrors

of the adult world. For her, there is no escape, and there never can be.


>Check my time, it's Friday

>It's a weekend

>We gonna have fun

>Come on, come on


The man looks in the rearview mirror but the position of the camera makes it

appear as if he's looking directly at the viewer. And he says "we gonna have

fun," not "I'm gonna have fun." This is an accusation, a recrimination. We are

all complicit in the crimes this man commits. By forcing the image of

perfection upon young girls, by sexualizing them, by turning a blind eye to

their cries for help, WE are responsible for the "fun" this man has, we are no

better than him.


>It's Friday, Friday

>Gotta get down on Friday

>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend

>Friday, Friday

>Getting down on Friday

>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend


We cut to Black performing in front of a large crown. This is really what

she's been doing her entire life, of course: performing. None of them seem

that interested even as she sways and smiles and shouts about how great

everything is. What's more, we continually see cuts to Black standing alone in

a bizarre, darkened room full of strange glowing smoke, where she moans in

protest -- at one point (around 2:55) yelling out "no" as Black performing

in front of an audience announces that everyone is looking forward to the



This is Black's inner monologue, and likely it's been going on for the entirety

of the day -- this is just our glimpse at it. Outwardly, she's happy and

ebullient, but in her mind she's shouting out, in horrible pain, trapped in a

fevered hellscape of her own creation.


>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend

>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Partying, partying, yeah!

>Fun, fun, fun

>Looking forward to the weekend

>It's Friday, Friday

>Gotta get down on Friday

>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend

>Friday, Friday

>Getting down on Friday

>Everybody's looking forward to the weekend


As the song draws to a close, we cut back and forth like this -- the

projection Black gives of herself, and the torment within. Finally, her inner

self isn't even attempting to speak intelligibly, instead just yelling as load

as she can, eyes wrenched closed, fists balled up. But in the real world she

forges on, singing and dancing for the crowd, and the pedophile looks on

approvingly, his prey's spirit fully broken.


And when she stops singing, she looks down at everyone before her,

embarrassed, disgusted, full of nothing but despair. Now that her performance

is done, the crowd will disperse and forget about her, and for everything

she's endured she will have gained nothing. She has literally become the "poor

player that struts and frets her hour upon the stage." She has realized that

her life is a futile mockery of real happiness, a hollow, meaningless



As Black's day draws to a close, she stares into the abyss -- and the abyss

has stared back.

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Many dislike this song for the fact that for one, her voice, to understate, sounds like a dying robotic cat. Secondly, the lyrics and the entire idea behind the song are utterly pointless. (why I do not like niki manaj, by the way). Lastly.... Well, she ain't exactly a work of art to behold, if you know what I mean.

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Many dislike this song for the fact that for one, her voice, to understate, sounds like a dying robotic cat. Secondly, the lyrics and the entire idea behind the song are utterly pointless. (why I do not like niki manaj, by the way). Lastly.... Well, she ain't exactly a work of art to behold, if you know what I mean.


It's not that her voice is terrible, it is that the producer of this video was a ****** and auto-tuned everything.

If you listen to her other videos and even an interview where she sang the star spangled banner, her voice sounds great!


And that last comment, if you are referring to her appearance, then I have to disagree.. she is still 14 and her looks will improve as she gets older.


OT(kinda): No, I don't listen to her music, but I do research and listen to more than one song by an artist before I judge. She has a good voice and has potential. I use to be one of the haters who despised her, but when her other music came out, it showed how crappy the producer of her first video was. #Puddingproof

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