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The "Official" Unofficial Cortana Explanation Thread

Veer Zamamai

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Now we all know that the Artificial Intelligence that we know as Cortana is expiring, due to her service expiry date. In the E3 footage/video we see her turn rampant, or what appears her going insane. She quoted "I will not let you leave this planet." to John towards the end of the video which was pretty scary, her face went all eerie and such and it was quite an intense and scary moment, especially when you're in the dark.


Now, we all know why she's expiring but what do you think will happen between John and Cortana, the message she sends hurtling towards John was threatening and had a serious impact on him, clearly. So, what do you think will happen? Do you think something will be resolved or will he do something to her, after all, she is past her sell by date.


Post all of your thoughts and reasons below, I'm sure everyone is interested in hearing/reading what you have to say.

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are you 100 % sure it was to MC cortana sad "I will not let you leave this planet."


Nope, it was a suggestion, guess I should of made that a little clearer. Okay, we know she has gone rampant and her eyes lit up and in no other instalment have we seen this and they were on board what seemed to be a human ship, thus the reasoning behind this. Who else would be aboard a human ship that she would say that to, also what would make her seem and look crazy? It seems to me that she went rampant and to whom seems the most likely? Whom is she most close with? Whom is the drama and plot revolved around?


It's all just rumours as of yet, but we can at least figure out this.

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I noticed that at the end there was a (fourruner?) voice that said: "Ive waited a long time for this moment reclaimer" (or something like that). Could be the Timeless One. Anyway, after I saw Cortana go rampant or on the verge of it, I thought what if John or the UNSC could get the Timeless One to somehow extend the life of Cortana. Thoughts?

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I am guessing it was directed towards MC, but that is not confimed.


Yes, it is all just speculation currently. What do you think will happen between them? Do you think Cortana will lead John to a trap during her rampancy? I do hope things don't turn for the worst, I love both characters.

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I noticed that at the end there was a (fourruner?) voice that said: "Ive waited a long time for this moment reclaimer" (or something like that). Could be the Timeless One. Anyway, after I saw Cortana go rampant or on the verge of it, I thought what if John or the UNSC could get the Timeless One to somehow extend the life of Cortana. Thoughts?


Sorry for the double-post, it was necessary.


That is extremely interesting. However, I think it was the Librarian. That is interesting what you have brought up, I think that would be interesting and possible. However, it wasn't designed for that, they were meant to expire. Interesting though, great thinking. I suppose that this could happen as the Forerunners are incredibly smart.

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I think she was talking to the captain. Look at what we do know, clearly they want to leave the planet implying the force on the inside has grown too strong and must evacuate. It could also be the Didact talking though Cortanna like gravemind did. I was thinking they could imply Forerunner tech to the AI's and make them live longer, perhaps in her rampancy she has become self centered or the reason she wants to stay is what is killing her. Knowledge. There would be lots of new information on the planet for her to 'consume'.

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I think she was talking to the captain. Look at what we do know, clearly they want to leave the planet implying the force on the inside has grown too strong and must evacuate. It could also be the Didact talking though Cortanna like gravemind did. I was thinking they could imply Forerunner tech to the AI's and make them live longer, perhaps in her rampancy she has become self centered or the reason she wants to stay is what is killing her. Knowledge. There would be lots of new information on the planet for her to 'consume'.


This is a well explained point. However, we will never truly know until the game is released. I am not sure, it could possibly be the Didact doing that but we do know that she is going rampant so she might be doing that herself.

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im sure that what they show is not what they seem and they are trying to trick us into believing in the simplest answer, great comments and idea by others her. I do not think that was the librarian at the end there but definetly forerunner (the voice was to low and very authoritatively male). i think possible the Didact or the Creator of the halo rings (cant remember his name at the moment). Theory on how the rampancy will be solved is through the information of ancilla she finds in the database on requiem but i also think that it will seem at the end of halo 4 as a cliffhanger that we lose cortana but will gain her back later in the series. ThoughtS?

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Hold on, hold on. It can't have been the Librarian, as she was revealed to stay on Earth (Halo 3 terminals), and I believe the Didact killed the Timeless One (?). Plus, the Didact never struck me as one who would hate humans, unless he went mad with grief.


Are these facts right or wrong? I would be really pleased if someone could correct me.

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I think we Cortana screamed IM NOT GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET, I am pretty sure part of her is still not rampant but another part of her is, I think what she means by that is deep down in her mind shes thinking she knows how to cure rampancy but every other AI didn't cause they weren't exposed to that type of information, so maybe she is trying to tell them to not leave because soon they will find a possible cure or something? since in Halo 3 Cortana says, I know your past, I know your future, so maybe MC will possibly find a cure in Halo 5 or Halo 4

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I'm thinking that maybe somewhere at the end of campaign, Master Chief will have to let go of her, leave her behind, something in that direction. If this prediction is true, that will be a sad moment

I'm thinking that maybe somewhere at the end of campaign, Master Chief will have to let go of her, leave her behind, something in that direction. If this prediction is true, that will be a sad moment

master chief would never leave her...


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Anything that will happen will be sad in this new instalment. We know she's going rampant and she's near expiration. In every game we lose someone we love in the Halo franchise, let's just hope it isn't the two we love so dearly.

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I personally feel that we're looking at her phrasing in too narrow of a spectrum. In the scene, there was nobody else visible, only Cortana in what appears to be rampancy, but what's to say she wasn't directing that line at the ancient evil, who would obviously attempt to leave the planet the first chance it was given?

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I personally feel that we're looking at her phrasing in too narrow of a spectrum. In the scene, there was nobody else visible, only Cortana in what appears to be rampancy, but what's to say she wasn't directing that line at the ancient evil, who would obviously attempt to leave the planet the first chance it was given?


That is true, but when she has gone mad at someone before her eyes never usually light up like that. That was pure craziness.

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That is true, but when she has gone mad at someone before her eyes never usually light up like that. That was pure craziness.

Oh it was pure crazy, absolutely. Just speculation, is all. :D Gotta wait until we actually play the game, and then we'll find out what's going on.

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Oh it was pure crazy, absolutely. Just speculation, is all. :D Gotta wait until we actually play the game, and then we'll find out what's going on.


Agreed, I am anxious to see what actually happens. Then again, this thread was created for everyone's thoughts on the subject.

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I personally have no opinion on who she is talking to in the scene. There is not enough information to make an assumption. BUT, I can say that I am very excited to see Cortana's part of the story in Halo 4 because of the fact that she is suffering rampancy. I think it is going to play an outstanding role in Halo 4.

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I personally have no opinion on who she is talking to in the scene. There is not enough information to make an assumption. BUT, I can say that I am very excited to see Cortana's part of the story in Halo 4 because of the fact that she is suffering rampancy. I think it is going to play an outstanding role in Halo 4.


I agree, whatever happens will impact us severely. It leaves us guessing and hanging with so many questions. Will her service date be extended? Will everything be okay? Will we lose the two we love so dearly? This is what I love about this, the suspense and the drama.

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