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Halo 4 has a Metroid Vibe to it....

Vopogon FF

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Let me start off by saying that definitely is not a bad thing.



Some of the enemies remind me of the Space Pirates, especially their color. Steel and gray with Orange highlights and monstrous features, and even some of the weaponry, like that orange plasma "sword" used against Chief in the Campaign video. Not to mention, the lush green Forerunner world reminds me of Tallon IV from Metroid Prime.


I also heard some element's of Metroid Prime's score while listening to the score from Halo 4 in one video.


Even Visor elements seem more Metroid.


If anyone from 343 reads this, I want to ask:


Did you take elements from Metroid thinking "Hey, I really like this, let's see how it feels" ?




Metroid Prime is easily my favorite single player video game ever. It felt often solemn, yet adventurous and fun at the same time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First thing that came to mind when I saw the Promethean Knight was that it looked very much like a space pirate. Of course it would be ridiculous to "claim" that they, for lack of a better term, ripped off the Metroid style, since all we saw was a few minutes of a small part of the campaign. The rest of the game could be drastically different.

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