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Biggest dissapointment of E3


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My cage was rattled by the lack of Dead Rising release. I mean, I would have settled for another arcade title.


What was yours? And you might as well post the ups and suprises as well. I like the look of watch dogs.


"I NEED COFFEE!"-Me, right now

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Honestly, there were only 2 good parts of E3 for me. First was Nintendo's conference simply because of how entertaining it was. Second was the peek at Halo 4. I didn't know that they would go that far in-depth revealing Halo 4, so it was an awesome surprise when they came up with a live action trailer AND a stage demo. Plus letting us watch MLG playing the multiplayer was an awesome bonus.


EA's conference was majorly disappointing (and downright angering, in fact). Not to mention Sony's conference. Which went a little like this.




Then came the disappointment from Valve. Like most Half-Life fans, I have been hoping to hear of another Half Life game, preferably a Half-Life 3. However, Valve seems to be avoiding the number 3 like a plague.


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Nintendo Sets up A system that invades your privacy right from system bootup...


Microsoft Dosen't have anything to show except for Greed as usual


And Sony... Well, they are Sony. I'm sure you know how many problems they've caused in the industry.



Needless to say, the My Little Pony Stylus Pens were the best Part of E3.

If there was Halo, oh boy, would that rock our worlds..

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Nintendo Sets up A system that invades your privacy right from system bootup...


Microsoft Dosen't have anything to show except for Greed as usual


And Sony... Well, they are Sony. I'm sure you know how many problems they've caused in the industry.



Needless to say, the My Little Pony Stylus Pens were the best Part of E3.

If there was Halo, oh boy, would that rock our worlds..

There WAS Halo though... lol They made the Halo 4 announcement at E3. With the live stage Demo and the live action trailer, along with allowing MLG to play the Multiplayer so that we could get a sneak peek.
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  • 2 weeks later...

i was dissappointed by microsoft not talking about xbox720

They wanna keep it a suprise since it's possibly gonna beat PS4 AND 3 also it was only announced a few month's ago or so they cannot give us anymore info then they already have maybe later in the year they'll give us more info but for now we have to wait patiently
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  • 3 months later...

Probably the biggest dissapointment of E3 is South Park: The Stick of Truth , its a stupid little south park game....

the Stick of Truth will be one of the greatest games of all time! But seriously, its not just a stupid South Park game, it looks like one of the best RPG's I've seen in a while. It just saddens me that people are just saying its a stupid South Park game
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Eh, I didn't get to see much of E3. But the most disappointing part that I did get to see, is that Lionheads still think their damn game they are coming out with is gonna be the best one yet. Its almost like they have completely ignored their customers all together. Like almost like a parent deciding what their kid does and does not like in the way of meals. "Your gonna eat it and your gonna like it, you have no choice." type of thing. I have looked everywhere for someone to say they will like the new game. Nope. Cant find anything. LionHeads will soon feel the wrath of their customers when they receive no money for their game when it comes out. And it'll probably be rated the worst game ever, if not worst game of the year. And if your all wondering what game I am talking about, its Fable, the Journey. I am not buying it.... ever!

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