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Welcome all to the 11th 343i Weekly Community Poll!

Last week I asked you who your favorite member of Noble Team was. Well, you all voted and we have our winner! Ahem. Drum roll please!

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This week's question is in honor of this week's being the one year anniversary of Halo 4! :clap:
So I'd really like everyone to reply to with a very thorough and well-thought out explanation. Here it is:


Halo 4 a success?"

Please vote before 11-11-13 @ 10:00AM EST, if you want your vote to be counted.
Thank you all for participating and see ya next week! :wave:

Have a question, idea, or complaint pertaining to the poll? Then Message me

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Wheres the Poll? (hehe)


Anyways, if you look at what Bungie did when they started with Halo, Halo CE was good, but had flaws, Halo 2 was better, and Halo 3 was the peak of the online and campaign for Halo. 3 Main titles to get things right.


343i has only started with Halo, their first game was good, but certainly flawed. If you look at the story of the game, it was certainly a Halo style story, if you look at multiplayer it was a mess, having some good and bad spots. Forge was improved... but not improved. Weapons and maps were not balanced properly (but progressively being fixed). Theater was still the same, which was good. 


The sales for the game were off the charts. That compiled with this being 343's FIRST stand alone title (not a graphical update to an already existing engine like Anniversary)... I would have to say:


Yes, Halo 4 was a success for 343 Industries.

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No I don't think it was look how many players were playing it at launch and how many are not as of now halo Reach even surpassed halo 4 in players in its life cycle time. :)




It may have been as success in money making wise but in player count it was not forge got better but then went 2 steps back

Along with no  beloved 1 to 50 ranking system along with some many issues with the game some have not still been fixed such as having you're weapon lowered while you are moving and so along with the current forge spaces machinima in halo 4 is harder to do along with not having elites   


Halo 4 was not a success although it tried brave ideas such as Spartan ops in the end it didn't amount to much at all I hope halo 5 is better. :)

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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in a way yes and no because it was an entertaining game and i have had alot of fun on it but something about it makes me feel that it isnt halo without the unsc vehicle, BR and DMR in the same game, no playable elites, the fact that they messed up the colour system for emblems and most of the armour looks rushed and that there are only a few good armours in my opinion.

i also feel like they ruined forge and the fact that the took out races as a game type but i have had some fun with the game types and with the maps that people make and some of them are good.

i would say no just because it dosent feel like halo.



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People don't understand this was 343i's FIRST game as a company and for their FIRST ever Halo game they did a great job. Sure it had flaws but community support, very nicely executed new ideas even if they didnt fit in Halo. Halo 4 will always have its flaws but yes I believe Halo 4 was a major success and a step forward. 343i now knows how not to make us happy so I highly doubt they are going to make the same mistake twice.  

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Yes! I knew Jorge will win. Well, he has to, he is a Spartan-II. ;) I'm begining to really like these polls, this is only my second one. :)


Over I say Yes, Halo 4 was a success in my opinion. It had a few flaws but it was the most selling Halo game. It was great fun at launch, but people began getting bored of it and it's populations dwindled. I think it could have been far better but overall, yes, I think it was successful.

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Everyone has to start somewhere and 343 had some of the biggest shoes to fill. Sure they screwed up some things and sure they didn't know what we wanted, but now they do and they will try to do their best. I have to say aside from the small details the campaign was magnificent and I don't mind playing the story over a few times. It was in my opinion one of the better campaigns of the series. And even people who don't play the game still say it was sad when cortana died. If people who don't like it say it is okay Then I say it is too. I will say it was a close vote, but it was a successful attempt. I need them to do better next time though...

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Sure everyone will say Halo 4 sucks blah blah Bungie blah blah. Halo 4 was a success and still is a success. That might seem like a bold statement right now considering the population but everyone here knows they played Halo 4  every day for a couple months before you got tired of it just like any other game. Yes this was 343i's first game let's take that into account, but let's also take into account that they had to build off of what Bungie had left them with. I'm sure a lot of them loved the old competitive Halo with no Armor Abilities or drops but Halo needed to innovate. 343 Industries as a game developer needed to innovate. That's how development works, you're not developing anything otherwise. You can't just keep putting out the same game every year with a different title and storyline and expect people to keep playing. So consider this their test run. By the time Halo 5 is out for the Xbox One, we'll probably be saying what most people are saying about Microsoft these days: They did a full 360!

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I'd say both. The multiplayer was not very good except a few game types where as the campaign felt like a halo campaign but a little different they messed a few game types up and a few armor abilities either taking old ones out or change old ones. Out of all honesty I didn't like the halo 4 jet pack or thruster pack. It just didn't work as well and the original jet pack and evade. Those are about the flaws and good points I can think of. Otherwise I thought this was a great game. I thought the forge was the best and better than reach

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  On 11/5/2013 at 12:26 AM, haloman 2 said:

I'd say both. The multiplayer was not very good except a few game types where as the campaign felt like a halo campaign but a little different they messed a few game types up and a few armor abilities either taking old ones out or change old ones. Out of all honesty I didn't like the halo 4 jet pack or thruster pack. It just didn't work as well and the original jet pack and evade. Those are about the flaws and good points I can think of. Otherwise I thought this was a great game. I thought the forge was the best and better than reach


I preferred Halo Reach's Forge because there was a UNSC aircraft and there was forge world. I also like Forge islands on Halo 4 though, but not as much. ;)

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If you were to look at the sales, Halo 4 was easily a huge success.
If you were to look at the amount of people who came back because of updates that 343 made, it was still a success.

If you were again to look at the amount of people who regularly play the game, still a success just not as a big as previous titles.

However, if you were to take into account the amount of flaws the game has, it's a mediocre game. But far from a fail.


Halo 4 kills other games like Halo Wars, Halo 2 and Halo 3 ODST in my opinion for a few reasons. Halo Wars was the first Halo game made by Ensemble Studios, and is their only game. Halo 4 crushed it in sales and people still playing. Halo 2 was the buggiest Halo game known to date, its multiplayer was completely broken, so many say that was good for the button combos, but that's cheating and not how Halo is meant to be, it's core is a balanced game, not designed for cheaters who exploit the game to win. Halo 3 ODST lacked any sort of proper Online Play, therefore Halo 4 automatically wins that, even though it didn't have the successful gametype of FireFight.
Halo 4 for a first fresh game made by such a new team is fantastic, so many ideas were put together, even if they didn't work it shows that 343 industries honestly have so much on their mind and want to make their franchise as big and exciting as possible innovating with so many new things. This is something that all fans should be excited over, many complain about the lack of change of games, and 343i are here to make their games something new and special. Even though not everything worked, they tried and learned from their mistakes and promised to make their next Halo title much better, and that's all you can ask from a Dev team who doesn't have to listen to their community, yet do so anyways.


So in conclusion, yes, Halo 4 was a success.

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Yes, it was indeed a success. The multiplayer is great, I love it, it's funny and smooth, and the first time I picked up my controller and jumped into a match, I got the same feeling I had when playing Halo 3. I love its multiplayer.


But Campaign? Nope, not at all. It doesn't feel like Halo, there's no struggle for survival, there's no connection with the past. New suit, new ship, new enemies, new Covenant, new Forerunner's style, new UNSC. I don't like it. I mean, I like the story behind it, but I dislike how they created it, how they told us the story. Am I surprised? Not at all, I mean 343i was born as a multiplayer-only studio, it's obvious that they made a great multy and a poor solo. But I am disappointed, and I don't know if Halo 5 will change my point of view, though I really hope so.


Too long, didn't read? Yes, an economic success.

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